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Prayagraj: SHUATS bags patent for novel model to produce green power

Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS) and two of its assistant professors Sam A Masih and N Maxton have been awarded a patent by government of India for developing a novel microbial fuel cell assembly design capable of harnessing maximum electrical potential with the use of microorganisms present in wastewater.
The microbial fuel cell assembly, developed by the faculty, utilises available heavy metal recovery for sustainable bioremediation and bioenergy production. Microbial populations is used as substrate to degrade organic matter and generate bioelectricity.
During research, they tested numerous electrodes and their design to enhance biofilm formation to produce bio electricity. The two assistant professors worked on the system for more than a decade, optimising microbial growth kinetics and biofilm formation.
Now they have improved the design in a compact form. It can be taken at an industrial discharge point to check the possibility of toxic matter removal along with green energy production. Officiating vice chancellor of SHUATS, Prof B Mehra, congratulated the young scientists for their novel invention.
